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Will there ever be pregnancy, like in Cohabitation?

Agente  que comer a mulher  do outros

Não irmão a gente que come a mulher dos outros 

Uma sugestão Você poderia colocar uma casa para compra no jogo Aí teria mais emoção


this will be NTR ,sharing ? ...

Error en esta actualización 1.5.1

Major bug. at least 2 outfits render megan invisible and unable to be interacted with in her room the library and in kitchen with family.

errror something about image unavailable I noticed it with the dresses bought at the mall


i love Cohabitation . hope we can share Megan with other guys

I love Megan for Other game (name) Exchange Student search sadly the game no was update for soo long


It looks good but it feels like I've played it before... Oh wait... That would be "Cohabitation" by "Sir Valentine" Please If you are going to make a game "like that game" then change things. The girls name is still "Megan", you share a room only parted by a screen. The list goes on. If you wanted to "remake it" do so but make it clear that's what your doing instead of trying to pass it off as your own idea.


the author does mention that in the game dude

I think I found a couple of bugs.
1. At night when it says Megan is in bathroom and you go there. She's actually not there and you're able to take a shower.
2. Megan hasn't learned how to give a blowjob or titfuck yet. But when you click the bed, the options for it is there.

I haven't gotten to the part where Calvin teaches her that yet. That's why I was wondering why those choices were there already.

We play as the ugliest protagonist I've ever seen in a game!

I love Megan first Time i see this girl în other game called Exchange Student sadly the game no recive update for soo long

Nice game i look forword for next update good luck 🥰